“I read the back of the Book: God wins.”

“I read the back of the Book:  God wins.”  Best. Bumper. Sticker. Ever.

I quote it often.  Victory belongs to God – not politicians, not political parties, not nations, not armies.  Looking upon the mystifying, horrifying defeat of Good Friday points me to God’s miraculous, glorious victory of Resurrection Day.

Jesus paid a terrible price for me.  Day by day, Jesus changes my heart and my thinking, gives me new priorities and new understanding.  Day by day, Jesus heals my wounds – the wounds we all suffer in a difficult world.  Anything I suffer he too suffered, and he walks with me in suffering just as Simon of Cyrene demonstrated how we are all assisted as we carry our own cross. His love and compassion teach me love and compassion.  I give testimony, and he makes use of it according to his will, not mine.

I testify of his love, and I pray for conversion:  continuing conversion for myself and all Christians, conversion for all those trapped by despair, fear, resentment, greed, addiction and all else that unbelief brings.  I pray for conversion in my community, my nation, for nations at war, and for the whole world.  I pray for conversion for those I care about and for those I consider enemies.  Jesus says, “Do not be afraid”, so I ask him to forgive and remove my fears.

Do not be afraid: “I read the back of the Book:  God Wins.”

Peace be with you!
