Christmas Eve Anticipation

Christmas Eve: Mary, Joseph and angels await.

Christmas Eve: Mary, Joseph and angels await

Wishing all of you peace in your hearts as we await the arrival of Jesus, our Lord and Savior.  We celebrate and remember his birth; we embrace and rejoice in his presence in our hearts; we eagerly await his return.  We are reminded that generosity is about the giving, not the giver; we learn to wait for good things; we have an opportunity to examine our priorities. 

Christmas Day is only the first day of Christmas – consider keeping the lights and nativity scenes in place for the full twelve days, for the frenzy of preparations will be over and now is a time for contemplation.  Impossible expectations of festivity and abundance are promoted for Christmas, eclipsing the difficulties, fears and material poverty surrounding the event we commemorate. Many were looking for this fulfilled prophecy, yet very few were privileged to witness and be present when it happened. Those who were present were poor and nameless. Even the Magi, whose deep desire led them to journey great distances, arrived a year or more later.

Enjoy the chance to be with loved ones and consider the blessings that cannot be packaged.  Make room for miracles. The noise of the commercialized holidays is muted and the quiet of the true Christmas can begin, if we pause to allow it. 

May God bless, prosper and heal you through the coming year!  Peace be with you.