Lent 2021: Stations of the Cross

The Stations of the Cross serve as a means of pilgrimage for believers who cannot get to the Holy Land to see the Via Dolorosa in person. This tradition was begun by the Franciscans - other sites can give you deeper information if you desire. (This Wikipedia article gives a good multi-denominational overview.) I first experienced this tradition of prayer, song and meditation as I was in formation to become Catholic. I discovered a deeper understanding of human suffering and how it relates to faith.

The pandemic brought a halt to this weekly observation during Lent of 2020. Learning that the continued risks of the pandemic would prevent sharing this tradition for 2021, I was moved to create an alternate means for my faith community participate in this deeply spiritual practice.

These images are photographs of the Stations of the Cross, which I captured at Ascension Catholic Church in Melbourne, Florida and then integrated into a slideshow using the text from “The Way of the Cross”. [Click here to see the video hosted by Ascension Catholic Media that was developed from the slideshow (video contains the copyright information for the text).] Working with each image was meditative as was matching the images with corresponding text. Any Christian, Catholic or Protestant, can benefit from this virtual pilgrimage dating from the mid-1300s.